Friends of the Shropshire Hills

Joining Friends is a great way to support the Shropshire Hills National Landscape, it's diverse wildlife and rich heritage.

Your subscription goes directly into our Conservation Fund which gives grants to projects that help to conserve, enhance and raise awareness of the special qualities of the Shropshire Hills.


Join today, from as little as £3/month

This button takes you to our Total Giving page. To enter your details, please click the yellow donate button.  At the point of payment you are transferred to which refers to your donation (even one-off payments) as a ‘DIRECT DEBIT’. Thank you for your support.

Friends receive:

  • an invitation to our annual summer tour
  • regular news and event updates
  • opportunities to get involved with projects, surveys and local shows

photo of Friends of the Shropshire Hills

Help us to ensure this beautiful landscape remains special for generations to come.

There’s also plenty of opportunities to get involved in our work, from tree planting and wildlife surveys, to attending local shows and recruiting new faces to Friends.

For more information, please contact Steph Hayes on 01743-254746 or through our contact page.

Friends of the Shropshire Hills is run jointly by the Shropshire Hills National Landscape team and the Trust (Registered Charity 1168432).  We hold personal information in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). See our Privacy Policy for more information.